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Repentance, Prayer and End Time: Christian Jargon in Crisis?

Contagious Christian: How to do Evangelism

[This course is prepared from the book: Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg, Becoming A Contagious Christian (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994). It also used course materials developed by based on the above book]


1.     Why Become a Contagious Christian?

1.1 People Matters to God

Who is a Contagious Christian?

·         Christ follower who has the heart of God for the lost.
·         Christ follower who has high potency for influencing others for Christ through his/her life style.
·         Christ follower who goes close to lost people in relationship so that s/he can influence someone for Christ.
·         Christ follower who can communicate gospel clearly and lead them to Christ
·         Christ follower who can be a spiritual parent for his/her disciples

Why we are not able to become a contagious Christian?

The reason that most of us struggle to be contagious Christians is fear, uncertainty, and self-centered living that gets in the way of what God is trying to do through us. This is a matter of motive, and must be overcome by developing God’s heart for the lost.

What is God’s heart for the lost?

Ans: People matter to God
·         Anthropic Principle: Someone took a lot of effort in the entire universe to make it right so that we could enjoy our life on the earth. That’s why we really matter to God.
·         A lesson from business: There is a shift in American corporate culture: shift from serving boss to serving customer. This also shows that people matter.

What are the three common themes in the parable seen in Lk 15?

1.       Something of great value was missing. The spiritually lost people matter to God a lot.
2.      That which was missing was important enough to warrant all-out search.
3.      Retrievals result in rejoicing.

People matter to God. It is the heart of God for the lost. Since people matter to God, people also matters to us irrespective of how/who they are.

Guiding thought:


1.2 Rewards of Contagious Christianity

 Personal Benefits

·         Adventure
·         Purpose
·         Fulfilment
·         Spiritual growth
·         Spiritual confidence
·         Enduring investment
·         The honour of being God’s agent

The cost of contagious Christianity

·         Time and energy
·         Reading and study
·         Money
·         Risk of embarrassment, Rejection or Persecution
·         It complicates Your life

Guiding Thought

 The reward for contagious Christians is high, great in value and eternal. Though the cost of contagious Christianity is not ignorable, the great reward makes the cost relatively low.

1.3 Formula for impacting your world

 Jesus gives us a clear picture of what it means to be contagious Christians through the images of “salt” and “light.”
 Read Matthew 5:13-16.
·         Salt leads to thirst
·         Salt spices things up
·         Salt preserves
To have the greatest possible impact,
·         salt must be Potent enough to have an effect
·         salt must get closer to whatever it is supposed to affect.

What are the functions of light?

Light illuminates things, so that we can see things. It clears the darkness. Thus, light symbolizes a clear communication (CC).

The Formula to Impact the World

The command to be salt and light is the basis for the key idea of this study:
 HP + CP + CC =MI.
That is, High Potency + Close Proximity + Clear Communication = Maximum Impact.
To have a maximum impact in the lives of those around us, we need to excel at each item on the left of the equation. In order to be effectively salty Christians, we must have high potency. If our lives don’t reflect Christ, we won’t have an impact. We must also have close proximity to non-Christians. After all, what good is salt if it never leaves the salt shaker? The key component to being the light of the world is clear Communication. If we do good deeds, fight injustice, and work for peace in the world, but never mention Jesus, what good have we truly done?

Reflection questions:

1.Does HP + CP + CC = MI accurately describe your life right now? Which part of the
equation do you consider yourself strong at? Weak at?
2.Which one of the following options describes your present condition more accurately?
a)I am a person who has High Potency and Close Proximity, but no Clear Communication. b) I am a person who has High Potency and Clear Communication, but no Close Proximity. c) I am a person who has Clear Communication and Close Proximity, but no HighPotency.

Guiding Thought

      High Potency + Close Proximity + Clear Communication = Maximum Impact



The first element of contagious Christianity is High Potency. The three key components of High Potency are authenticity, compassion, and sacrifice. We will look at how each of these gives us a more credible witness and opens people’s hearts to the gospel.

2.1 Authenticity

 “Christians should be the good news before they share the good news.” While not always the case, the fact remains that if we are going to share the message of Jesus with our friends, our lives must agree with our message. This is called authenticity. God knows we will make mistakes, and He uses us despite our shortcomings, but we are still called to live a consistent lifestyle.

Elements of Authenticity

a.      Authentic identity: Just being you

God created all of us with a unique identity. The greatest mistake that can be committed by any believer is to repress or suppress this identity. Our authentic identity includes our unique personality, temperament, passion and interest.

b.      Authentic emotional life: Being real on the inside

Many Christians think that the authentic emotional expressions are not suitable for their spirituality. So they hide their hurts or grief and paste artificial smile on their face. Here two things can happen: firstly emotional vertigo. It means a person outlaws his feeling, he enters into emotional confusion. In such a case a person loses his ability to experience emotion, he may not be able to recognize it when it tries to break through and he does not know how to express it before others.  Secondly, unchurched people can be repelled by emotional inauthenticity. 

c.       Authentic confession: Being forthright about failure

Example of the young convert. We need to admit our mistake and wherever it is needed , we need to confess and raise apology. Our authentic apology has great impact on people. We should not get  into image building by hiding our failures.

d.      Living by genuine conviction: Living like we mean it

Unchurched people are not impressed with spineless Christians. They respect our faith. When we confess our convictions, it provokes them to think about their faith.

2.2 Compassion

As contagious Christians, we must demonstrate compassion, not only because it is a mandate from God (see Deut. 15:11, Jas. 1:17, Matt. 25:40), but because it opens up people’s hearts. There is a tremendous pulling power even in a single act of mercy. God wants such actions to draw people to him.  Our witness must be marked by a deep, genuine love for people. Unfortunately, because many of us have fast-paced and have self-centered lifestyles, our compassion quotient gets zapped.

Hindrances to our compassion quotients

a.      Where you live:

 Where are you from matters a lot to bring compassion. A defeating home or work environment can be a problem in our life to produce mercy. Compassion breeds compassion. Love breeds love. Anger produces more anger. Hatred feeds hatred. We need to deal with our destructive upbringing or defeated living situations to raise our compassion quotients.

b.      How you live:

 Modern work commitments and demands of modern life consume our leisure time considerably. We live faster and faster. This often leads us into a crisis mode of life. This can stop us to have compassion. If we come out from such a mode, it will help us to have compassion in us.

c.       How you give:

Excessive care giving can bring down your compassion quotients. We need to meticulously balance caring for others and caring for ourselves. This can prevent burn out in the process of giving compassion.

d.      What you have received:

 We all received God’s grace. Thus, we all are expected to give grace to others. We are channels of God’s grace to others. Mother Theresa said “The wire is you and me; the current is God. We have the power to let the current pass through us, use us and produce the light of the world-Jesus.

2.3  Sacrifice

Sacrificial acts are rarely forgotten. To stand out as contagious Christians in our
narcissistic culture, we need to live selfless, sacrificial lives (see Rom 12:1-2). The sacrifices we make as college students may look like: staying up late and losing study time to talk with a friend going through a crisis, giving up a Saturday to volunteer at the homeless shelter, or driving an international friend to the grocery store. “Sacrifices move people. They melt people. They stop people in their tracks and make the ask, “Why? Why would you go out of your way for me? What would motivate you to put my interests before your own?”

Three areas of sacrifice  

  • Maximizing your moments: Giving time is important.
  • Reinvesting your resources:
  • Modelling over the long haul: it means a consistent godly lifestyle. 

Guiding thoughts:

 Authenticity, compassion, and sacrifice are central to high potency. A lifestyle inconsistent with our message can hinder our witness, while a lifestyle marked by servanthood and love can make our witness more credible.


Even the most highly potent person makes little impact for the Kingdom if he doesn’t get out of the salt shaker eventually! That’s why close proximity is essential for contagious Christians. Here are certain strategic ideas to develop a close proximity with unbelievers.

3.1 Strategic opportunities in relationship

To be contagious Christians, we must spend time rubbing shoulders with people who
don’t know Jesus. Think for a minute about whom you can most naturally and effectively share your faith with. Who comes to mind? You are probably thinking of a friend, a family member, someone close to you. We can most effectively share our faith with those who trust and respect us. Trust and respect are at the heart of friendship, and friendship is the product of large amounts of close proximity. Thus we need to develop relationship with people before we share gospel to them. It is called by Bill as Barbeque principal.

Barrier to building relationship

a.      Biblical issues:

 Often believers take biblical verses such as “friendship with the world is hatred towards God,” or “come out from among them and be separate” and argue that we should not build relationship with unchurched people.

b.      Spiritual danger:

1Corinthians 15.33 says that “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character”? It is mentioned in the context of wrong teachers who denied the resurrection of  Christ from the death. This verse gives two implications: Firstly, one can influence others in the area of faith that matters in a relationship setting. Secondly, when we sense that we are influenced negatively in the area of faith by anyone in any relationship, we need to set back from such relationship.

c.       Risking your reputation:

But if I start spending personal time in public places with pagans, you might say what will the people in my church think?” Jesus was with irreligious people. Luke 7.34 says some called Jesus as a friend of gluttons and drunkards.

d.      Personal discomfort:

When we make friendship with irreligious people, we may face lot of situations of discomfort: foul language, ego, humour with off colour, wayward values, bad habits etc.

Develop a strong relationship

Small talk, helping in their needs, encouraging for their benefits, inviting for food, go for an outing, spend time, make regular call or respond to his or her facebook wall, give a surprise gift etc

3.2 Rubbing shoulders with irreligious people

Practical ways you can reach out to three groups of people in your world: people you know, people you use to know and people you would like to know.

People you know

Sometimes we have misconception that evangelism needs to do with unknown people. However, there is a great possibility with those who are trusting us and know our motives. Following are two possible approaches:

a.      Throw a “Matthew Party” (Lk 5.29):

Sports events, holiday parties, events for kids on the block, snacks parties, baptism receptions

b.      Involve others in your everyday activities:

Sharing a meal, watching the game, sporting activities, exercise time, babysitting and work exchanges, children’s activities, strategic workdays

People you used to know

Some of us may take initiative to contact our old friends. Sometimes it is essential to lead somebody to Christ.

People you would like to know:

3.3 Finding the approach that fits you

Common misconceptions

What are the things that comes to you when you think about who is an evangelist?
Often misunderstanding stops us to assume the role of an evangelist. That is why we need to know the different approaches of evangelism.

Different approaches

                                                         i.            Peter’s confrontational approach (Acts 2)
                                                       ii.            Paul’s intellectual approach (Acts 17)
                                                     iii.            The blind man’s testimonial approach (John 9.25)
                                                     iv.            Matthew’s interpersonal approach (Luke 5.29)
                                                       v.            The Samaritan woman’s invitational approach (John 4)
                                                     vi.            Dorcas’ service approach (Acts 9.36)
                                                   vii.            The incarnational approach of Jesus (Jn 1)

 Close Proximity with unbelievers through rubbing shoulders is essential to reach out to them with gospel. Developing relationship is the key to develop close proximity to the unbelievers.




The last element of contagious Christianity is clear communication of the gospel. This one is often seen as the scariest! However, if we live highly potent lives in close proximity to non-Christians, clear communication will come more naturally and more frequently!

4.1. Starting Spiritual Conversations

Spiritual conversation brings spiritual impact. Therefore, our aim should be to raise the topic. We may not able to share gospel every time or people may not respond as we expect but the ultimate concern is to raise the topic and build a conversation. There are three different approaches that we can use for initiating a spiritual conversation. They are:
  1. The direct method
  2. The indirect method
  3. The invitational method

1.      The direct method

Here we will not wait for opportunity but we create an opportunity. Here you straightforwardly raise the spiritual topic and then see if the person is interested in talking about it.  Following are some of the ideas/openers that you can use for opening a direct conversations:
·         You can say to a person “if you would ever like to know the difference between religion and Christianity, let me know. I would be happy to talk to you about it.” It creates curiosity in people.
·         How is it going today? People may say either one answer of the following: I am fine or I am not fine. If a person seems to going through tough situation, then you can ask to open up and share gospel.
·         I am curious, do you ever think about spiritual matters?
·         Who in your opinion was Jesus Christ?
·         What is your spiritual background? Were you taught in particular religious perspectives as you grew up?
·         Do you ever wonder what happens to us when we die?
·         Who do you think a real Christian is?
·         Where are you heading in your spiritual journey?

2.      The indirect method

·         Business : How is your year going? You replay something like “Well, financially okay; family-wise, pretty well; and spiritually, things are great. Which one do you want to talk about?”
·         Relocation: when a person who relocated to a new place may ask about place details. At such a time you can also introduce your church.
·         Hobbies and spare time: if anyone asks you about hobbies and spare time you can give replay like this: if you are involving in worship team, you can say: I like to play music in our worship team. If you involve in sound system can say: I like to handle sound system in the church. If you involve in prayer team or any other team you can say that.
·         Nature: you went to for a flower show with a unbeliever, then you can say looking at the variety of flower something like this: what an imagination God must have to make so many different shapes and colour of flowers.
·         Sports/Music: if you are a knowledgeable person on music and sport, then you can talk about believers in that industry. It will help you to build up a conversation.
·         Shared struggle: if you see a person who is going through a struggle that you also faced, then you can ask that person something like: can I tell you about the higher power who has changed my life? Or I also have a same struggle; Can I tell you how I overcame it? Can I tell you some of the biblical principles that helped me to handle the same struggle in my life?
·         Easter and Christmas

3.      The invitational method

We need to invite people to seeker sensitive meetings/events. When you invite people, you can keep following points with you:
·         Be very careful to select events-whether concert, plays, movies, church services or social gatherings.
·         You can give some hand-outs to people. It can be a brochure, hand written memo or an sms.
·         Offer them a ride and suggest having a meal or coffee together after the event.
Overriding principles
·         Pray hard
·         Talk to people individually
·         Pique curiosity: no need of bringing gospel in direct fashion always you can drop hints and create curiosity.
·         Relay on reciprocal reflexes
·         Seize-split second opportunities: every day we get several opportunities to talk about God and use it.
·         Do not underestimate their degree of interest. Do not think that other person is hard core Hindu, not interested in God and so on.

4.2 Making the Message Clear

Often we have relationship and high potency but we do not know how to share gospel. What are the points we need to share to an unbeliever. This section will give you a clear idea about what is gospel and illustrations for explaining it well.

Four Points of Gospel

1.      God:
·         God is love. He is compassionate. He made us in his love.
·         God is holy. He separates us from sin.
·         God is just. His judgments are righteous.
2.      Us
·         God created us in his image and likeness. Image represents that we are his representative to the world. Likeness means we share certain qualities of God such as morality, love, ability to make relationship and compassion.
·         God created us with free will which means we have a complete freedom to make choices. But we have to face the consequences of our choices.
·         God created us with spirit, soul and body. Spirit helps us to relate with God. Soul gives self awareness with emotion and intelligence. Body helps us to relate with physical body.
·         However, human beings misused free will and disobeyed God. Consequently sin came to us.
·         Consequence of sin: death, we are separated from God, deprived character, guilt, shame and punishment of God
3.      Christ
·         To deliver us from sin, God took human form and came to this earth in Jesus.
·         Jesus was uniquely able to solve the problem of sin because He was both God and man.
·         He had a virgin birth.
·         He had a sinless life
·         He died for our sins in our place. He took our punishment upon him when he died on the cross.
·         He came back to life on the third day and is still alive. He will come to this earth again.
4.      You
·         Now ball is in your court. The salvation that offered by Jesus is completely free.
·         You can receive it through FAITH in Jesus. Believing that Jesus died for your sins and resurrected on the third day.
·         Confess your sins to Jesus
·         Take decision to follow him.
·         If you do this, your sins will be forgiven and you will have a personal relationship with God as his child.


a.      Do Vs Done

Religion can spell as DO. Because it consists of the things people do to try to somehow gain God’s forgiveness. But Christianity can spell as DONE. It means what we could never do for us has been done already for us by Jesus.

b.      The Bridge Illustration

c.       The Roman Road

o   Romans 3.23:for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
o   Romans 6.23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
o   Romans 10.13: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Your personal story

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be a shamed to testify about our Lord...” (2 Timothy 1:7-8a). Stories have power. It is always better to keep few stories of dramatic life change though Jesus with you in addition to your own story. Your own story can make a great impact. Following four points should be included in your story.  
1. (before) Your life before an encounter with Jesus
2. (the journey) Specific events that led you to encounter Jesus
3. (the decision) How you responded to this encounter with Jesus
4. (after) The positive change in your life since
You can write your story around these four points. When you write/tell, try to be as specific and concrete as possible, and use as little “religious” or “spiritual” language as you can. Shoot for 2 minutes, because even a stranger can listen for 2 minutes without feeling bored or offended. When you’re sharing, it is much easier to expand it in the moment and make it 5 or even 10 minutes, rather than try to shorten it.
Communication Tips
·         Do not give a speech
·         Give it in doses
·         Be bold

4.3 Breaking the Barriers to Belief

Divine perspective

Thomas tested Jesus before he believed in risen Jesus. When those who have interest in Jesus raise some doubt or confusion, we need to be patient enough to clear it. We should be like Jesus who helped Thomas to believe in him in his confusion.

Barrier to Belief

1)     Misperceptions
a.       Poor examples
b.      Bad teaching
c.       Natural fears
2)     Intellectual roadblocks
a.       The historical accuracy of Bible
b.      The logic of faith
c.       The problem of evil
d.      Christianity vs. science
e.       Hurdling the roadblocks
f.        All gods are one
3)     Moral misgivings


5.1 Crossing the Line of Faith

Approaching line

After sharing gospel to them, you can ask questions like following. These turning point questions will shift the focus from what you shared and from you to them. It will help them to take a decision.
  • Give up on doing and start trusting what Christ has done on your behalf?”
Stop trying to get over the sin chasm by your own efforts, and cross over on the bridge that God has provided?”
  • Acknowledge the wages you’ve earned through sin, and receive the gift that is offered freely through Christ?”
  •  Get beyond just studying about aviation, and actually climb aboard the airplane?” (This is for those who know gospel for quite some time but reluctant to take decision)
·         Do you like to receive Christ in your life? Do you want to open the door for Christ in your life?

Assessing interest

After asking about question, you should handle the responses of your friend carefully. If your friend responds defensively, continue the conversation with caution. If they share the reasons for their defensiveness, then you can help them further. Sometimes you can thank them for giving you an opportunity to explain something that is very much important to you. Your willingness to back off may lower their defensiveness.

Assessing understanding

Each one will understand the message differently. We need to understand they take few days or month to process the faith and take a decision. We need to continuously talk about Jesus with different illustrations.

Assessing readiness

You may get the following options:
o   They are not yet ready: we need to pray continuously for them and share more. If they are not open, then we need to respect them and wait.
o   They are ready but still confusion/concerns: we need to understand the barriers and work with them to overcome those barriers.
o   They are ready: lead them to salvation prayer.

Crossing the Line

·         relax
·         do not struggle for prayer
·         pray together in loud
·         ask them to pray

5.2 Getting Beyond the Line: Nurturing

a)      Meet personally and teach the basic truth of Christ.
b)      Introduce them into your mature cobeliever and pastor
c)      Invite them into a care cell
d)     Invite them to the church
e)      Build them as a mature believer


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