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Showing posts with the label Pentecostalism

Repentance, Prayer and End Time: Christian Jargon in Crisis?


Kerala Pentecostalism is one of the powerful spiritual movement that originated, developed and spread in Kerala. The main line Pentecostal churches are Indian Pentecostal Church,  The Pentecostal Mission, Assemblies of God, Church of God and Sharon Fellowship. Though they contributed greatly for the growth of the Kingdom of God, there are many unhealthy trends in Pentecostalism which are really hindering the growth of the Kingdom of God and their organisational purity and strength.  Some are as follows:  1. Transfer System of Pastors Most of the Kerala Pentecostal churches have a system of transferring the local church pastor every three years usually. This system gives different spiritual challenges:   I do not understand the how far this system can keep God's will about a  church and its pastor in all this process.  A pastor takes at least one to two years to get into relationship with people in a new place. Once he builds up relationship and  start to share gospel to the