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Showing posts with the label Thought Life

Repentance, Prayer and End Time: Christian Jargon in Crisis?

IF SO, WHAT/HOW I ......?

Stress can come to us in many ways. A common source of the stress is hypothetical scenarios. You have ability to explore different possibilities that can arise in your real life setting. Awareness about those possibilities will prepare you to face the life. However, the big question that arise in our  mind in the journey of exploring life possibilities is that "If it would happen, how/what I will.......? This hypothetical question and scenario can disturb your peace and keep you under stress. This kind of stress is not from a real situation. It may really block your life journey to success. Understand that these kind of stress is not evidence based or reality based. Learn to live in present. Face your future. It is time in your personal life to identify the stress that comes from hypothetical scenario in your mental gymnastic.  As a believer of Christ, we know that God is in control. Even if we cannot control certain things in our life, God can control it. Jesus is God of pre