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Showing posts with the label Self Development

Repentance, Prayer and End Time: Christian Jargon in Crisis?

IF SO, WHAT/HOW I ......?

Stress can come to us in many ways. A common source of the stress is hypothetical scenarios. You have ability to explore different possibilities that can arise in your real life setting. Awareness about those possibilities will prepare you to face the life. However, the big question that arise in our  mind in the journey of exploring life possibilities is that "If it would happen, how/what I will.......? This hypothetical question and scenario can disturb your peace and keep you under stress. This kind of stress is not from a real situation. It may really block your life journey to success. Understand that these kind of stress is not evidence based or reality based. Learn to live in present. Face your future. It is time in your personal life to identify the stress that comes from hypothetical scenario in your mental gymnastic.  As a believer of Christ, we know that God is in control. Even if we cannot control certain things in our life, God can control it. Jesus is God of pre

Overcoming Insecurity

1.      Determine your worth: Change focus on limitation of you to your strength and potentials. The fact is that everyone has weakness and strengths. Despite of your weakness, your strengths enable you to achieve something in your life. Foster and focus on those strengths rather than weakness. When you more focus on your strength, then which will be more evident to others. Remind yourself with your success rather than your failures. Instead of carried away with your weaknesses and negative things, find out the things that are good about you. Stop your inner negative self talk. 2.      Jesus said treat others as you expect them to treat by others. 3.      Overcoming your weakness. Working on your weakness is important. We need to eliminate the negativity in us. Perfectionism through human strength is an impossible pursuit. However, grace is sufficient. Jesus understands our weakness and enables us to overcome it. We can take victory over all our weakness through the power of Hol

Signs of Insecurity

1.    Lack of confidence: People who feel insecurity may lack confidence in them and their abilities. They feel that they are not good enough. They may feel inadequacy.  They may have fear that things may go wrong. Their evaluation of themselves, others and situation may be emotional interpretation rather than the analysis of the fact or reality. They may have low self esteem and disturbance within them. 2.    Lack trust in themselves and others. Insecure persons may struggle to develop a good relationship with others. Their insecurity in relationship may express through being jealous, possessiveness, controlling the partner, abusiveness, distrustful and overpowering.  They may perceive the world and people around them as a threat. To cope with this, they may try to put down others and bully them. They may often feel secure when they put down someone. 3.    Selfishness and Accommodating: Insecure people tend to withdraw from others and turn to inward. Insecurity may lead a person