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Showing posts with the label Faith

Repentance, Prayer and End Time: Christian Jargon in Crisis?

Nothing is Impossible

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (ESV) Philippians 4:13 This is Paul’s testimony about how he lived a life through the power of God in good and bad times (Phil. 4:12). We can live a joyful life in every situation through the power of God. You can do everything in every good or bad situation through Christ who gives his power to your life. God’s power comes to us through constant dependency upon him. Moreover, God’s power comes to us through the indwelling presence of Jesus in us. It comes to us through our intimate union with Christ. Paul says he lives “in Christ” (Phil.3.9). Christ’s grace is sufficient for him to face every situation. Christ is the source of wisdom, encouragement and strength in his life. In every life situation, Jesus infuses His strength to Paul this is why he testified that  “Wherefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in insults, in distresses, in persecutions and frustrations, for when I am weak, then I am strong” (II Cor. 12:10). Many people

Do What Jesus Did

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. (ESV) John 14:12 Jesus commissioned us to do what Jesus did and greater works than what Jesus did! Three major things that Jesus did while he was on the earth other than the work on the cross: healing, deliverance and proclaiming the gospel. The question immediately may come to our heart is “Am I qualified to do this?” YES. God is not looking for perfect but righteous people. Yes, we all are righteous through the blood of Jesus. The problem today is that believers are waiting to be perfect. Another issue is that they either overemphasise character while underestimating the power of God or overemphasising power while underestimating  character. We need both. We are righteous by the  blood of Jesus and we carry God’s power through the Holy Spirit who is indwelling in every believer. We can do what Jesus did, not because of our

Persuing Impossibilities

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (ESV) Matthew 17:20 In Matthean Gospel, you will see Jesus refers to three kinds of faith: little faith, no faith, great faith. Centurion’s faith is called as great faith (Mt. 8.10, KJV). Jesus called faith of his own disciples as little faith (Mt. 8.25) because they were very fearful and lost their hope when they faced storm. They could not exercise their faith and calm the storm. But they called out for Jesus. Little faith is “not no  faith but ineffective, defective or deficient faith” (ESV Study Bible, 1836). It is seemingly a wavering faith. Jesus says that if you have such little faith, then you can peruse impossibilities. Faith is not just feeling or thought. It is basically an action along with strong declaration in God by putting trust in G

Contending for the Promise

For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in Him. Therefore, the “Amen” is also spoken through Him by us for God’s glory. (HCSB) 2 Corinthians 1:20 Feeling down is a reality in everyone’s life. Sometimes, we may go through a season in which we feel down for many days and weeks. Especially things around us are not going great, we feel down and disturbed. Many times, consistently feeling down may disorient and disorganize us. Promises of God can give such a great strength in such seasons. In his faith journey, Abraham was down several times. But the promises of God kept him going forward. We can trust God’s promises in every season. We can see men and women of God in the Bible who took hold of promises and contended for them: Abraham, Noah, Moses, David etc. God will not change His promises to us. Every promise of God have a loud “Yes” in Jesus Christ. When we step on the promises of God, we will see that they become alive and real in our lives. It may or may not take time. Faith needs t

Step out by faith

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (NIV) Hebrews 11:8 Abraham stepped out from his own house, hometown, familiar situation, his own people and comfort zone to unknown. To just obey God, Abraham had to take the risk of leaving familiar situations to unknown territory. God called him to go to a place but He did not reveal the name of the place where he had to go. But Abraham simply stepped out from his house. This is called faith. Faith is taking risk for God by trusting him. Abraham took the risk and stepped out. That’s why he got the promised land and became the father of faith. God called us to live a life in His supernatural potential. He wants each one of us partner with Him in everything. For example, Jesus gave us authority to heal the sick, cast out demons and proclaim gospel. We do not need to wait to see these kinds of supernatural things. We need to simply

Trust him and Acknowledge him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (ESV) Pro verbs 3:5-6 We need to believe in the goodness and guidance of God upon our lives on a continuous basis. Doubting God is against trust. This is why, v.5 says we need to trust God with all our heart. Our understanding is finite and which sometimes can be a hindrance to trust God. It is our responsibility to channelize our heart continuously to put trust in God rather than in our own understanding. We need to know that we cannot do anything apart from God. This realization will help us to acknowledge God in everything that we do. It is simply our dependency upon God. Acknowledging God is an expression of our trust in him. Start everything in your life with a little prayer or a few seconds of prayer in your mind. You will see a huge difference in what you are doing. When we acknowledge him in everything in our li

Responding to God’s Visitation

God visits us. It is very precious moment of our life. We all have very special moment of God’s presence in our live. God appears to us in special ways. Sometimes his presence is tangible and other times intangible. One of the peculiarity of our God is that he appears in the form of human being. Even Bible describes God using anthropomorphic words. Here God appeared to Abraham in human form (Gen 18).       1. Receptiveness and Sensitiveness to God’s presence (V.2) Abraham saw God. Even though he is very old man, he stood and went out to receive God’s presence. It is very important to leave our tent in order to receive God. We may have different comfort zones but sometime we need to leave them to receive God. God wants to draws very close relationship with us. He likes to come near to man in intimacy. But man should be sensitive to God’s move and also should be receptive. 2. Humbling Yourselves in worship (V.2) Abraham bowed low to the ground before God. It is an act of wor

Learning to Renew faith in darkness (Gen 15)

1. Putting trust in God When Abraham gave up the wealth offered by a king in trusting God and gave tithe to God (Gen 14), God appeared to Abraham and said "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward"  ( Gen 15:1).  God has relationship with Abraham which here specified as “your shield” and “your …reward.” When Abraham put his trust in God in front of king Sodom and gave tithe to God, God assured to Abraham these things. Shield indicates protection and reward indicates blessings . God is ready to give reward to faithfulness of Abraham and his trust in God. When we put our trust in God, God will be our reward. He will be never ashamed us when we trust in him.   If he takes the reward of the king it will limit only to him but when Abraham put trust in God, God given rewards went beyond him to his generations . Psalm 127:3 identifies the inheritance of children as a “reward” given by the Lord. He is our protection too. Jesus said I am with you